The goal of the TAG program is to provide funds to eligible communities to become more involved and informed about Response Actions addressing the environmental challenges that these communities are faced with. Response Actions include activities performed to address a release or possible release of contamination at a property under DTSC oversight. TAG funds can be used to fund services provided by independent TAs,including Community Science projects under the general guidance of the TA, with the goal of effectively communicating technical information to communities and encouraging their involvement. Applicants may apply for, and DTSC may award, grants ranging from $40,000 to $150,000 to pay for a TA to carry out any of the following:
• Assist in the interpretation of information on the nature of the hazard or potential hazard of a release or potential release of a hazardous material at a Cleanup Site.
• Assist in the interpretation of information related to a Cleanup Site, including environmental statutes, policies, and guidance documents; as well as documents produced as part of a site investigation or any other type of Response Action for a release (or potential release), including the operation and maintenance of a Response Action.
• Communicate the regulatory process including site investigations, risk assessments, and cleanups, to the community.
Next application round open from April 1, 2024 - January 15, 2025