State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program - Native Entities

Funding Organization
Department of Commerce
Funding Agency Type
Federal Government
Deadline for Application/LOI/Concept Paper
Hour of Application Deadline
Application is Ongoing/Rolling
Funding Minimum
Funding Maximum
Description of Entities Eligible to Apply

Each State that has completed a Digital Equity Plan that meets the requirements of 47 U.S.C. §1723(c) is eligible to apply for grants under the Capacity Grant Program to implement its Digital Equity Plan and to carry out digital inclusion activities. In addition, U.S. Territories that submit a Digital Equity Plan consistent with the obligations of their State Digital Equity Planning Grant award are eligible to apply for grants under the Capacity Grant Program to implement its Digital Equity Plan and to carry out digital inclusion activities. Finally, Native Entities, or a consortium of Native Entities, with the necessary authorizations described in Section III.B.1 of this NOFO, are eligible to apply for both Capacity Grant and Planning Grant funding to promote the objectives of digital equity and inclusion. See Section II.B.1 of this NOFO for the eligibility requirements of States and Territories. See Section III.B.1 for the eligibility requirements of Native Entities.

Categories of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place
All of Region 9
Description of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place

United States & Territories

Description of Funding Opportunity

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO”) solicits applications for the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program (“Capacity Grant Program” or “Program”), the second of three digital equity programs authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, Division F, Title III, Public Law 117-58, 135 Stat. 429, 1209 (November 15, 2021) (“Infrastructure Act” or “IIJA”) also known as the (“Digital Equity Act” or “DE Act”). The Digital Equity Act appropriated $2.75 billion to be awarded by the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information (“Assistant Secretary”) to promote digital inclusion activities and achieve digital equity.

The Digital Equity Act consists of three funding programs: (1) the $60 million State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program; (2) the $1.44 billion State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program; and (3) the $1.25 billion Competitive Grant Program. NTIA released the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program (“Planning Grant Program”) on May 13, 2022, making funds available to States and Territories to develop State Digital Equity Plans (“Digital Equity Plans”). The Capacity Grant Program will provide funds to States and U.S. Territories to implement the State Digital Equity Plans developed pursuant to the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program. The Digital Equity Plans identify the barriers to achieving digital equity faced by certain populations defined by the statute (i.e. “Covered Populations”), and include measurable objectives to promote: (1) the availability and affordability of access to broadband technology; (2) online accessibility and inclusivity of public resources and services; (3) digital literacy; (4) awareness of online privacy and cybersecurity; and (5) the availability and affordability of consumer devices and technical support for those devices.

Is this a cooperative agreement?
Are these pre-allocated/non-competitive funds?
Is a cost-share required?
Additional Notes

Application for Native Entities will open September 25, 2024. Note that this NOFO includes Native Hawaiian organizations as eligible.