Restoring River, Floodplain, and Coastal Connectivity and Resiliency

Funding Organization
Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Agency Type
Federal Government
Deadline for Application/LOI/Concept Paper
Application is Ongoing/Rolling
Funding Minimum
Funding Maximum
Description of Entities Eligible to Apply

Eligible Applicants
00 – State governments
01 – County governments
02 – City or township governments
04 – Special district governments
05 – Independent school districts
06 – Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
07 – Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
08 – Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities
11 – Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
12 – Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
13 – Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
20 – Private institutions of higher education
21 – Individuals
22 – For profit organization other than small businesses
23 – Small businesses
25 – Others (see text field entitled “Additional Information on Eligibility” for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility
For eligible applicants to receive funding, NFPP BIL projects must be developed and implemented in coordination with FAC staff. FAC Program staff work collaboratively with potential applicants to identify common conservation priorities and provide technical assistance to applicants in the generation and development of projects. To be eligible for this funding, potential applicants must work with their local FAC Program staff to ensure the eligibility of their project (see Section D2 for letter of interest and proposal submission process and Section E2 for project review and selection process). Applicants may include, but are not limited to those on this list.

Categories of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place
All of Region 9
Description of Funding Opportunity

The NFPP is a voluntary program that provides direct technical and financial assistance to partners to remove instream barriers, restore aquatic organism passage, and restore climate resilient aquatic connectivity in rivers, floodplains, and coastal habitats for the benefit of Federal trust resources. The program targets aquatic connectivity opportunities that rebuild productive and sustainable fisheries, contribute to the recovery and conservation of the Service’s aquatic trust species, enhance watershed health, promote resilient ecosystems and communities especially in disadvantaged communities, and improve economic vitality, including local employment. NFPP aims to maintain or increase native fish populations to improve ecosystem resiliency and provide quality fishing experiences for the American people. Activities that restore aquatic connectivity and fish passage also support the modernization of the country’s infrastructure such as road culverts, bridges, and water diversions contributing to enhanced community resilience to the impacts from climate change and other public safety hazards. NFPP funds a variety of project types including, but not limited to dam removals, culvert replacements, floodplain restoration and reconnection, dike breaches, and reconnection of tidal habitats.

The NFPP is delivered through the Service’s Fish and Aquatic Conservation Program (FAC) across all States and territories. FAC staff coordinate with project partners, stakeholders, and other Service programs to identify and collaboratively develop and implement projects within regional priority areas. Project work plans are developed strategically, in coordination with partners, and with substantial involvement from FAC staff. Projects must be based upon sound scientific and technical principles, advance the Service mission, and promote aquatic ecosystem resilience. Applicants seeking funding under this program should contact the regional NFPP Coordinator that corresponds to the location of the project for additional information on regional priorities and coordination with FAC staff prior to applying for funding. Contacts are listed at:

A principal objective of the NFPP is to provide technical assistance to partners in support of projects that aim to restore aquatic connectivity and aquatic organism passage through the removal of instream barriers and the reconnection of floodplains. We use our staff and cooperative partnerships to provide (1) information on native aquatic species habitat needs and methods for aquatic connectivity; (2) technical engineering support to develop or review project designs and recommend the most effective techniques; (3) assistance to partners in planning and prioritizing fish passage projects; and (4) assistance in fulfilling environmental compliance requirements.

The NFPP prioritizes projects that will: (1) maximize benefits to native priority species and habitats; (2) provide sustainable fish passage benefits; (3) contribute to or otherwise leverage regional or watershed priorities for habitat restoration, fish passage, or aquatic connectivity; (4) enhance community resilience to climate change, address other public safety hazards and generally, provide other co-benefits such as job creation or recreational fishing opportunities; (5) involve advance coordination on species and watershed priorities with Tribes and States; (6) provide benefits to or engage with disadvantaged communities; and (7) be supported by partners, affected stakeholders, and the local community.

Activities proposed under this award may include project planning and feasibility studies, engineering and design, permitting, on-the-ground fish passage restoration, near-term implementation monitoring, project outreach, and capacity to manage these project-related activities. Applicants may apply for funding to support any combination of these activities however, priority will be given to applications that can demonstrate a clear timeline and pathway for on-the-ground implementation within a timely manner (i.e., 1-4 years). Proposals that focus on the removal of barriers and natural channel or floodplain restoration will score higher in some evaluation criteria than proposals that focus on establishing passage around a barrier that are reliant on artificial passage structures such as fishways or fish ladders. Proposals are encouraged to maximize largescale ecosystem restoration and should do so by leveraging funding from other sources, with particular emphasis on BIL funding through other Federal agencies or may include multiple project sites throughout a watershed or other geographic area.

Is this a cooperative agreement?
Are these pre-allocated/non-competitive funds?
Is 501(c)(3) status required for nonprofits?
Is having a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) from required?
Is a cost-share required?