Local governments, solid waste authorities, federally recognized tribes, recycling haulers, and multifamily property owners are all eligible to apply.
Please read the RFP for full details about eligibility.
As a mission-driven non-profit organization, The Recycling Partnership mobilizes people, data, and solutions across the value chain to reduce waste and our impact on the environment while also unlocking economic benefits. We work on the ground with thousands of communities to transform underperforming recycling programs; we partner with companies to achieve packaging circularity, increase access to recycled materials, and meet sustainability commitments; and we work with government to develop policy solutions
to address the systemic needs of the U.S. residential recycling system and advance a circular economy.
For more information our organization, visit: www.recyclingpartnership.org.
The purpose of the Multifamily Recycling Grant Program is to implement or expand access to recycling services at multifamily properties across the United States through the provision of financial, educational, and technical assistance. This Request for Proposals (RFP) offers local governments, recycling haulers, and multifamily property owners/managers the opportunity to apply for grant funding to support the acquisition of recycling equipment, infrastructure, or outreach at apartment complexes. The Partnership
seeks to expand equitable access to recycling service, increase recycling tonnage, and improve the quality of recycled commodities at multifamily properties.
Except on funding amount: "As an example of how education and outreach grant funding works, a community with a multifamily recycling program that serves 10,000 multifamily households would be eligible to receive up to $3.00 per household to support recycling education and outreach activities, or a total outreach grant of $30,000."