
  • Arizona Water Atlas

    Arizona Department of Water Resources

    Volume 8, the Active Management Area (AMA) Planning Area, is the eighth in a series of nine volumes that comprise the Arizona Water Atlas.

  • eHydrology Library

    Arizona Department of Water Resources

    The ADWR eHydrology Library has information on the groundwater basins. This can be helpful if you are looking for additional information about an area or specific groundwater basin.

  • Overview Of Groundwater Levels In Arizona's Basins & Sub-Basins

    Arizona Department of Water Resources

    The Depth-To-Water (DTW) dashboard is designed to give an overview of groundwater levels in AZ's basins and sub-basins, providing summary statistics.

  • ADWR Groundwater Modeling Section

    Arizona Department of Water Resources

    Groundwater flow modeling is a tool that can be used to simulate the past, present and future impacts of water use on aquifers.