Funding Opportunities

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INSPIRE Research Challenge
World Cancer Research Fund
Educational institutions, Other

The INSPIRE Research Challenge will prioritise innovative, bold and creative proposals with the potential to catalyse rapid and impactful advances in cancer prevention, treatment and survivorship.

This is a new grant call aimed at early career investigators. It will run in parallel with our existing grant programmes and is open to investigators worldwide.

Economic & Workforce Development + Special Events Grants
Connect Tucson
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs)

Call for applications! The City of Tucson is accepting applications for its Economic and Workforce Development Grants. Applicants must be a Tucson-serving nonprofit organization intending to fund a workforce development or special event between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. Awarded contracts will automatically renew under the same terms for fiscal year 2025 at the discretion of Mayor & Council. Specific eligibility criteria can be found in the Request for Proposals below.

Martin Luther King Jr. Community Improvement Grants
Keep America Beautiful
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Local governments

Keep America Beautiful provides MLK Community Improvement Grants to support communities in revitalizing, beautifying and transforming areas in and around Martin Luther King Jr. corridors and neighborhoods. With over 950 MLK corridors across the United States transecting a variety of different neighborhood types and commercial uses, this grant helps business, residents and community groups address their challenges and meet their needs. Past MLK projects have included murals and public art installations, the creation of community gardens and green spaces, tree plantings and cleanup efforts.

Climate Resilience Centers
Office of Science
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

Understanding fine-scale, local and community impacts of climate change across this nation is a critical gap in climate research and analysis today. Further, climate change is known to disproportionately impact people in disadvantaged communities due to increased exposure and vulnerability. BER seeks to establish CRCs at HBCUs, non-R1 MSIs, and emerging research institutions to address critical research questions in support of the needs of stakeholders and communities in the pursuit of equitable climate solutions. The CRCs will facilitate two-way engagement between BER sponsored research and regional communities, enhancing accessibility and translation of DOE research to inform and build climate resilience. Efforts focused at local levels are expected to identify data sets, technical and process information, tailored models, and community contexts that will aid in the new investigations as well as bring critically needed community and local perspectives more centrally within DOE’s climate research planning. CRCs will build upon and enhance the talent and capabilities at local institutions, providing a valuable resource to advance climate research, identify local resilience challenges, and develop equitable solutions. These centers have the potential to catalyze additional research activities in climate and energy, the development of future technology innovations, and new jobs in communities across the country.

Sustainable California Libraries
California State Library

The purpose of the Sustainable California Libraries grants is to fund services, programming, and educational opportunities focused on sustainability and climate resilience. Projects should demonstrate an understanding of community needs, aspirations, and assets. Public programming, outreach, and at least one project partner or community connection is required.

Community Impact Grants
California State Library

Community Impact Grants (formerly Local and Collaborative grants) help California’s libraries respond effectively to local needs and align services with local community aspirations; support experimentation and research and development in California’s libraries; and provide training and support in grant writing and grant management for the California library community. The funding period is July 2024 – June 2025.

Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship
Department of Energy
Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship program funds recent graduates and energy professionals to support critical energy organizations in advancing clean energy solutions that will help decarbonize the power system, electrify transportation and industry, and make the U.S. power system more resilient, equitable and inclusive.

The program recruits candidates from diverse backgrounds to spend up to two years at eligible Host Institutions.

Buildings Energy Efficient Frontiers & Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT)
Golden Field Office, Department of Energy
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The 2024 BENEFIT FOA will invest up to $30M (subject to appropriations) across four topic areas:

Topic 1: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and Water Heating Technologies with improved materials, components, equipment design, and engineering, lower cost manufacturing processes, and easier installation.
Topic 2: Innovative, Replicable, and Low-Cost Roof and Attic Retrofits Technologies for affordable and scalable roof and attic retrofits that improve energy efficiency and address air and water infiltration.
Topic 3: Building Resilience and Capacity Constraints Novel approaches to maintain essential loads during blackouts and add power capacity to buildings without the need for major infrastructure upgrades; localized thermal management systems and thermally resilient building envelopes to provide cooling and overheating protection against extreme heat events.
Topic 4: Commercial Lighting Retrofit Advancements Low-cost, high-quality retrofit solutions for lagging sectors in energy-efficient lighting adoption (schools, certain commercial buildings). DOE is compiling a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the formation of project teams for this FOA.

The Teaming Partner List allows organizations that may wish to participate on a project to express their interest to other applicants and explore potential partnerships. Please see the Teaming List section of the FOA document for more information.

All Hazards Energy Resilience
National Energy Technology Laboratory, Department of Energy
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

ALL HAZARDS ENERGY RESILIENCE: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to advance tools and technologies specifically designed to reduce risks to energy delivery infrastructure from all hazards including cybersecurity, physical security, and climate effects. This effort will lead to next generation tools and technologies not available today that will become widely adopted throughout the energy sector to reduce an incident disruption to energy delivery.

Historic Preservation Grants
Bisbee Foundation
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs)

Historic Preservation Grants may be made to nonprofit organizations and entities. Grants must be matched one-to-one with non-public money and/or with in-kind services. Grants may also be made to private for-profit companies for the purpose of historic preservation. They must be matched one-to-one with either private or public funds. In-kind matching is not acceptable for for-profit concerns.