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Tribal Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Program
Office of State and Community Energy Programs
Tribal governments

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) has up to $225 million to grant to Tribal governments and Alaska Native entities for Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates. This program will provide up to $14,000 per eligible household for energy efficiency and electrification home upgrades.

Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program
Rural Development, Department of Agriculture

What does this program do?
The purpose of the HBIIP is to increase significantly the sales and use of higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel by expanding the infrastructure for renewable fuels derived from U.S. agricultural products.

The program is also intended to encourage a more comprehensive approach to market higher blends by sharing the costs related to building out biofuel-related infrastructure.

Who may apply?
Transportation fueling facilities including:

Fueling stations, convenience stores, hypermarket fueling stations, fleet facilities (including rail and marine), and similar entities with capital investments;
Fuel distribution facilities, such as:

Terminal operations, depots, and midstream partners, and similarly equivalent operations.
Home heating oil distribution facilities
What funding is available?
Under HBIIP, approximately $90 million is made available each quarter to:

Fueling stations, convenience stores, hypermarket fueling stations, fleet facilities, and similar entities with capital investments) for eligible implementation activities related to higher blends of fuel ethanol greater than 10 percent ethanol, such as E15 or higher, and biodiesel greater than 5 percent biodiesel, such as B20 or higher; and
Terminal operations, depots, midstream partners, and home heating oil distributors for eligible implementation activities related to higher blends of fuel ethanol greater than 10 percent ethanol, such as E15 or higher, and biodiesel greater than 5 percent biodiesel, such as B20 or higher.
What are the terms?
Awards to successful applicants will be in the form of cost-share grants for up to 75 percent of total eligible project costs, but not to exceed $5 million, whichever is less.

What's new?
These changes were made to help improve HBIIP:

On a quarterly basis, make available approximately $67.5 million to transportation fueling facilities, $18 million to fuel distribution facilities, and $4.5 million to home heating oil distribution facilities.

Home heating oil distribution facility (80% or more annual throughput volume is home heating oil)” as an applicant type.

Increase Federal cost share for eligible activities to 75 percent for transportation fueling facilities who own 10 fueling stations or fewer and for home heating oil distribution facilities (80% or more annual throughput volume is home heating oil).

Updated capped costs for fuel dispensers and fuel storage tanks for transportation fueling facility applicants.  

Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program Entitlement and Non-Entitlement Local Government
Department of Housing and Community Development
Local governments, Other

The principal goal of this program is to provides grants to Non-entitlement Local Governments in California to assist persons experiencing or At risk of homelessness and investments that increase the supply of housing to households with incomes of 60 percent or less of area median income.

The non-Entitlement competitive grant program component prioritizes assistance to persons experiencing or At risk of homelessness and investments that increase the supply of housing to households with incomes of 60 percent or less of area median income.

A. Eligible Applicants. An Applicant must be a Non-Entitlement Local Government. A Non-Entitlement Local Government means a Local Government in an area which is not a metropolitan city or part of an urban county, a Local Government that, as of September 1, 2017, was an incorporated city with a population of less than 50,000 or a county with an unincorporated area population of less than 200,000 persons, which had not entered into a three-year Urban County Cooperation Agreement, or a Local Government that was not otherwise entitled to receive CDBG funds directly from HUD. See Appendix A for a list of eligible Applicants for Non-Entitlement Local Government for fiscal year 2019-20. For applications that include the development of a Rental Housing project, the Sponsor must be a co-Applicant with the Non-Entitlement Local Government, pursuant to Guidelines Section 400. Sponsor includes the general partner(s); if there are two general partners, both must submit all the required co-Applicant documents.

B. Eligible Activities.

Pursuant to Guidelines Section 401, eligible activities under this PLHA competitive NOFA are limited to the following and must take place within the jurisdiction of the Applicant Local Government:

1. Development of new multifamily rental housing that is Affordable to households at or below 60 percent of AMI or substantial rehabilitation of multifamily rental housing that will be Affordable to households at or below 60 percent of AMI, but which is not currently restricted as Affordable housing. In order to be eligible as “substantial rehabilitation”, a project must complete a minimum of $40,000 per unit in hard construction costs; or

2. Assistance to persons who are experiencing or At risk of homelessness, including, but not limited to, through rapid rehousing, or rental assistance, supportive services and case management services that allow people to obtain and retain housing, operating and capital costs for navigation centers, or new construction, rehabilitation, or preservation of permanent or transitional rental housing

C. Funding Limits

The maximum application amount, including administrative costs, for the development of new multifamily rental housing or substantial rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing project, or development of a navigation center is $3 million. The minimum application amount shall be $500,000.

Environmental Enhancement & Mitigation (2024)
CA Natural Resources Agency
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Local governments, State governments, Other

The EEM Program is an annual program established by legislation in 1989 and amended on September 26, 2013. It offers grants to local, state, and federal governmental agencies, and nonprofit organizations for projects to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by new or modified public transportation facilities. There are three types of EEM project: Urban Forestry, Resource Lands, and Mitigation Projects Beyond the Scope of the Lead Agency.


EEM projects must contribute to mitigation of the environmental effects of transportation facilities. The California Natural Resources Agency (Agency) prescribes procedures and criteria to evaluate grant project proposals and submits a list of projects recommended for funding to the California Transportation Commission (CTC). The CTC awards grants to projects from Agency’s list.

Related Transportation Facility

EEM projects must mitigate, either directly or indirectly, the environmental impacts of a) the modification of an existing Transportation Facility or b) the construction of a new Transportation Facility (hereafter Related Transportation Facility or RTF). The EEM project can be the required mitigation for the RTF or enhancement to mitigation required for the RTF.

Statewide Project Goals

Agency grant programs assist state and local entities to develop more sustainable communities, increase adaptability to climate change using nature-based strategies, and protect biodiversity in compliance with Executive Order N-82-20, the Pathways to 30 x 30 California, and the Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy. Projects that demonstrate the following multiple benefits will be more competitive:

• Improved air and/or water quality.

• Reduced consumption of natural resources and energy.

• Increased reliability of local water supplies.

• Increased adaptability to climate change.

• Increased protection and restoration of biodiversity

Eligible Projects Examples

The list below isn't comprehensive, but provides examples of project elements that meet statutory conditions.

Urban Forestry:

• Planting of trees and plants along urban streets and medians.

• Greening existing public lands and structures, including school campuses and urban parks.

• Greening vacant lots and abandoned sites.

• Restoration of urban creeks.

Resource Lands:

• Removal of invasive and restoration of natural plant species.

• Enhancement or restoration of natural areas such as inland wetlands, forests, oak woodlands, mountain meadows, creeks, and streams with riparian or riverine fish or wildlife habitat, wildlife corridors and fish passages, coastal estuaries, grazing land and grasslands.

• Acquisitions in fee title or through conservation easements to safeguard regional water supplies, protect riparian and wildlife habitats, conserve agricultural lands for secure wildlife migration corridors, and provide public access for compatible wildlife/nature-oriented recreation by the wider community.

• Acquisitions to preserve in perpetuity Resource Lands for agricultural uses, open space, wetlands, biodiversity, etc.

Mitigation Projects Beyond the Scope of the Lead Agency:

Project examples listed under Urban Forestry and Resource Lands categories may be eligible for the Mitigation Projects Beyond the Scope of the Lead Agency category, if the mitigation or enhancement measures for the RTF were infeasible or beyond the jurisdiction and/or authority of the Lead Agency for the RTF.

Project Criteria Questions

Applicants must choose only one project category and respond to all questions in the selected category. If a question doesn't apply to the project, indicate Not Applicable with a brief explanation.

CA Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency
Tribal governments

The California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) is pleased to announce the availability of $20 million of Tribal Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (Tribal HHAP) grant funding. These funds are available for California Federally Recognized Tribes and are designed to be flexible to meet the unique needs of each community in their goals to prevent and end homelessness.

Since 2022, Cal ICH has partnered with California Federally Recognized Tribes and stakeholders to develop the Tribal HHAP Program. In 2024, Cal ICH is continuing and expanding our partnerships with Tribes and stakeholders in strengthening the Tribal HHAP program. Through the integration of feedback from the community’s served, Cal ICH’s goal is to continue culturally responsive programming designed to meet the needs of tribal communities, with funding accessible to all California Federally Recognized Tribes in need.Tribal HHAP is a tribal allocation set-aside from the Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) program, built specifically for and with California Federally Recognized Tribes.

Campesino de California Outreach Grant - Radio Media
Employment Development Department
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, Other

The CCOG-RM grant PY 24-25 is awarded to develop and implement radio talk shows aimed at reaching domestic and foreign Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFW) and their families to provide timely information regarding various programs, benefits, and services offered through EDD and their partners.

The Employment Development Department (EDD) announces the availability of up to $100,000. Wagner-Peyser 10 percent Governor's Discretionary funds for Campesino de California Outreach Grant-Radio Media (CCOG-RM) Program Year 2024-25 (PY 24-25) available through this Solicitation for Proposals (SFP). The EDD anticipates funding one organization for the CCOG-RM PY 24-25 grant opportunity.

The purpose of the program is to create and broadcast 24 semi-monthly, 30-minute hosted radio talk show programs in Spanish and recorded in video format media. Additionally, the awardee must create complementing media posts to publish on its website and use social media outlets to publicize the radio talk show videos and communicate additional information as necessary.

Eligible applicants for the CCOG-RM PY 24-25 SFP include public and private non-profit organizations, education institutions, community-based organizations (CBOs) and faith-based organizations. Individuals are not eligible apply.

Proposals must be received by 3 p.m. PT on Tuesday, May 31, 2024. An informational webinar will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. PT. Pre-registration is recommended for all attendees. Please refer to the EDD’s Workforce Development Solicitation for Proposals website link below for the pre-registration instructions.…

The EDD encourages applicants to submit a Notice of Intent to apply by May 21, 2024 by noon to To view this SFP, visit the EDD Workforce Development Solicitations for Proposals webpage.

Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program
Environmental Protection Agency
Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities to incentivize and accelerate the replacement of existing non-ZE Class 6 and 7 heavy-duty vehicles with ZE vehicles. The EPA anticipates awarding up to $932 million in funds under this Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (CHDV) Grants NOFO, subject to the availability of funds, the quantity and quality of applications received, support for communities overburdened by air pollution, applicability of different business models, and other applicable considerations described in this document. This funding to support ZE vehicles will benefit communities across the United States (U.S.), especially communities that are disproportionately burdened by air pollution and marginalized by underinvestment. These replacement vehicles will ensure cleaner air for the communities in which they operate. The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from these vehicle replacements will also help address the outsized role of the transportation sector in fueling the climate crisis.

WASTE: Waste Analysis and Strategies for Transportation End-Uses
Golden Field Office, Department of Energy
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The research and development (R&D) activities to be funded under this FOA will support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving the innovation that can lead to the deployment of clean energy technologies, which are critical for climate protection. Specifically, this FOA will aid communities with resource and energy recovery strategies associated with their organic waste streams. Organic waste streams represent major sources of fugitive methane emissions, volatile organic compounds, and other pollutants. The White House set a goal of reducing methane emissions by 30% by 2030. By developing strategies that can prevent the landfilling of these wastes, one of the major sources of fugitive methane can be mitigated. Holistic waste management strategies can also benefit communities by reducing other impacts associated with waste collection and processing infrastructure including reducing truck traffic, odors, litter, and other air, water, and health impacts.

Topic Area 1 is focused specifically on helping communities beyond a conceptualization phase by supporting more in-depth feasibility or scoping analysis. Oftentimes, staff and organizational capacity in communities (particularly in rural, remote, Tribal, or smaller communities) is limited. While technical assistance programs can accomplish some of these objectives, direct financial assistance can close this capacity gap.

Topic Area 2 is targeted towards communities that have previously completed feasibility analysis and are seeking funding to further refine their project concept. Municipal and non-profit staff capacity and availability of funding often makes detailed design work out of reach for many communities and this topic aims to close that gap. Projects selected under Topic Area 2 will have an opportunity to construct and operate their designed pilot facility based on the down-select process described in the FOA. The eXCHANGE system is currently designed to enforce hard deadlines for Concept Paper and Full Application submissions.

The APPLY and SUBMIT buttons automatically disable at the defined submission deadlines. The intention of this design is to consistently enforce a standard deadline for all applicants.

Applicants that experience issues with submissions PRIOR to the FOA Deadline: In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission, the Applicant should contact the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance ( The eXCHANGE helpdesk and/or the EERE eXCHANGE System Administrators ( will assist the Applicant in resolving all issues. Applicants that experience issues with submissions that result in a late submission: In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission that results in a late submission, the Applicant should contact the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance ( The eXCHANGE helpdesk and/or the EERE eXCHANGE System Administrators ( will assist the Applicant in resolving all issues (including finalizing the submission on behalf of, and with the Applicant's concurrence). DOE will only accept late applications when the Applicant has a) encountered technical difficulties beyond their control; b) has contacted the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance; and c) has submitted the application through eXCHANGE within 24 hours of the FOA's posted deadline. Please see the full FOA at The required Concept Paper due date for this FOA is 06/19/2024 at 5PM ET.

The Full Application due date for this FOA is 8/14/2024 at 5PM ET. Interested parties are directed to visit the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s eXCHANGE system at for the full Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0003072. Questions regarding the FOA must be submitted to

National Environmental Information Exchange Network
Environmental Protection Agency
Tribal governments, State governments, Other

The EPA Exchange Network Grant Program is soliciting project applications to support the Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN) to:

Facilitate sharing of environmental data, especially through shared and reusable services.
Reduce burden and avoid costs for co-regulators and the regulated community.
Streamline data collection and exchanges to improve its timeliness for decision making.
Increase the quality and access to environmental data through discovery, publishing, outbound and analytical services so it is more useful to environmental managers.
Increase data and IT management capabilities needed to fully participate in the EN.

Tribal Electrification Program
Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs
Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments

Under President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act and the Justice40 Initiative, the Department of Interior Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs and the Office of Indian Economic Development's (OIED) Tribal Electrification Program (TEP) is announcing a funding opportunity. This funding is for clean energy household electrification that will benefit Tribal communities in the United States. OIED will select Tribal communities that are in stages ranging from early planning to already implementing plans and actions for household electrification.

The TEP will utilize $145.5 million to increase the number of Tribal homes with zero emission electricity not including $4.5 million for administrative costs to retain a professional services contract to provide technical assistance to tribes in the areas of pre-award guidance, award management, project technical assistance, procurement, and utility system impacts.