The BIA Branch of Tribal Community Resilience and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals are seeking videographer(s), animator(s), and/or graphic designer(s) to produce a series of 3-5 minute videos, infographics, and 2-3 minute animations to accompany a report, The Estimated Unmet Need of Coastal Tribes in the Lower 48 States Facing Relocation Due to Climate Impacts. The purpose of these outreach materials is to enhance the awareness and understanding by Congress and broader audiences about the challenges faced by coastal Tribes in the lower 48 states as they address climate-related relocation and protection-in-place issues. We encourage potential contractors to apply to complete either part or all of the project deliverables.
Project background
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Branch of Tribal Community Resilience (TCR) received a directive from Congress to produce a report, The Estimated Unmet Need of Coastal Tribes in the Lower 48 States Facing Relocation Due to Climate Impacts. The report was produced in collaboration with the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and completed in December 2023. The report is undergoing a variety of review processes prior to its submission to Congress. Given that the directive was provided to BIA, the report only considers federally recognized Tribes. The draft report will be provided to hired contractors upon their signing of a confidentiality agreement.
General Information
Posted Date: December 10, 2024
Closing Date: Proposal reviews will start immediately. RFP will remain open until filled.
Deliverables due date: Fully edited videos, infographics, and animations will be due on or before March 14, 2025.
Storytelling Videos
TCR and ITEP anticipate a series containing up to 5 videos with each video being approximately 3-5 minutes in length and would like the videos to emphasize storytelling with individuals sharing their experiences, challenges, and successes related to relocation and to protection-in-place. Video topics may be adjusted in consultation with the Tribes themselves, TCR, and ITEP.
TCR and ITEP will assist with introducing videographer(s) to individuals who have indicated that they are interested in participating in this effort and all individuals will be asked to sign informed consent forms detailing how videos will be used, stored, and owned.
New footage: If desired by the individual, videographer(s) may travel to Tribal sites to film on location. However, if filming on Tribal lands, approval of either the Tribe's film office or Tribal Council will be needed.
B-roll footage: B-roll footage taken on Tribal lands may be used with the permission of the the entity who has copyright of the footage and the Tribe’s film office or following their policies
Photos: Photos on Tribal lands taken by individuals, for which they have the copyright and provide permission to use, are able to be included without Tribal Council approval.
*Note: Videographer(s) are responsible for providing all equipment to be used for filming purposes.
The videos produced will ultimately be housed on the TCR website and may become part of a storymap developed to accompany the report. The videos will be owned by the Tribal participants involved in the particular video and by TCR, and the Tribes and TCR will be able to use the videos on their websites, for meetings, presentations, conferences, and more with proper attribution to the videographer. While videographers will be able to link their websites to the TCR website, they do not have permission to share the videos in any other fashion without the express permission of the Tribes in the video and TCR.
TCR and ITEP anticipate a series of up to 5 infographics displaying relevant information, data and/or key points from the draft Unmet Need report. Examples of infographics may include: types of risks associated with relocation and protection-in-place; key points from the Executive summary; number of coastal tribes per region; etc. The decision about which infographics to produce will be made in collaboration with TCR and ITEP.
TCR and ITEP anticipate a series of up to 5 animations with each animation being approximately 2-3 minutes in length describing how coastal Tribes are faced with relocation and protection-in-place due to climate change impacts. Specific topics will be decided in collaboration with TCR and ITEP.
A few things to consider
Executive summary topics
The executive summary includes key points made about:
Continued stewardship of and access to places no longer inhabited as a key component of Tribal self determination
Staffing and funding challenges faced by Tribes trying to relocate and protect-in-place
Integrity of evacuation routes and shoreline protection infrastructure in the face of increasing climate extremes
Need to establish a lead entity to support Tribal relocation and protection-in-place efforts
Challenges around terminology
Complicated history and trauma around the term “relocation” including its usage in relation to climate impacts.
Solicitation Requirements
Applicant proposal must include the following:
1. Cover letter with contact information and signature
2. Resume
3. References (3 total)
4. Examples of videos, infographics, animations you have completed (include links as needed)
5. Cost Proposal. Please note: ITEP will arrange and pay for travel to Tribal locations as needed. You do not need to include travel costs in your proposal.
Again, please note that contractors can apply to complete either part or all of the project deliverables.
All responsive proposals will be opened, reviewed and rated based upon the following evaluation factors:
Compliance with solicitation requirements
Experience, quality and/or past performance
Experience working with Tribes
Points of Contact
Elisha Flores, Regional Tribal Community Resilience Coordinator, Branch of Tribal Community Resilience, Bureau of Indian Affairs, elisha.flores@bia.gov, 510-504-8998
Colleen Cooley, Consultant, Tribes and Climate Change Program, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, colleen.cooley@nau.edu, 928-523-1625
Submission of Proposals
Proposals must be submitted by email to Elisha Flores and Colleen Cooley. Please see email addresses provided above.