Organizations/projects relating amplifying impact-focused films and the documentary impact field.
We provide funding to support those who are critical to the infrastructure of the documentary film impact ecosystem. We seek to build a robust network of organizations, initiatives and thought leaders in the documentary impact space who make the work more equitable, effective and sustainable.
We offer two primary areas of funding:
Unrestricted support towards the ongoing work and mission of strategic organizations who are focused on amplifying impact-focused films and the documentary impact field.
To catalyze specific programs or initiatives that are focused on amplifying impact-focused films and the documentary impact field.
We prioritize the following dimensions when assessing projects for Organizational Support:
Increasing Access & Capacity
Increasing access and capacity across the entire documentary storytelling pipeline, from content creation to distribution and long-term community engagement, prioritizing historically excluded creators, strategists and audiences
Removing Barriers
Removing barriers to long-term sustainability for organizations, creators and strategists
Fostering Collaboration
Fostering models that promote a field-wide increase in collaboration and redistribution of power including funds, attention and the space to problem solve creatively
Centering Communities
Strengthening community-informed organizing, programming and initiatives for their ability to contribute to cultural shifts by fostering the conditions necessary for social change.
Strengthening Systemic Changes
Contributing to the systemic shifts necessary for the field to amplify spaces and resources for experimentation in impact-oriented tools, tactics and philosophies
We don't have any requirements for project or organization budget minimums or maximums and approach the funding possibilities for each grant based on their unique needs.
If projects do not hear from our team within one month of submitting the inquiry form, the project has not advanced in consideration at that time. For inquiries that do advance, there are a series of conversations between the project team and the relevant program officer before an invitation to apply for a grant may be extended. Your program officer will be able to provide an estimated consideration and application timeline at that point.
Interested organizations must submit and Inquiry Form before submitting an application.