Eligible applicants include, fire departments and fire districts, government organizations - including state, county, and local - public educational institutions, 501 (c) non-profit organizations, and Indian Tribes. Private landowners qualify if working through one of the eligible applicants listed above, but cannot directly apply.
The HFI Grant Program focuses on fire prevention, critical infrastructure protection, and forest and watershed restoration through reduction of hazardous vegetation. Projects should complement strategically planned or existing fuels management initiatives, such as State of Arizona, US Forest Service, or Bureau of Land Management thinning projects. Priority will be given to projects that target high risk areas, have a clear sustainability plan, and that support Arizona's vegetation management, and/or wood product industries.
Eligible applicants include, fire departments and fire districts, government organizations - including state, county, and local - public educational institutions, 501 (c) non-profit organizations, and Indian Tribes. Private landowners qualify if working through one of the eligible applicants listed above, but cannot directly apply. For-profit companies do not qualify. Projects may occur on state, private, federal, and tribal lands in Arizona.
Fuels mitigation is a vital component to reducing the threat of wildfires across Arizona. But, it also protects the health of our forests by removing diseased vegetation, invasive species, and dense fuel. Plus, fuels reduction work aids in the health of our watersheds and our wildlife habitat.