Individuals, private entities, nonfederal government entities, academic institutions
United States & Territories
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): CARBON CAPTURE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM, FRONT-END ENGINEERING AND DESIGN FOR CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) TRANSPORT. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will fund Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) studies that support and accelerate the planning for CO2 transport by a variety of modes. The CO2 must be derived only from anthropogenic sources which could include CO2 derived by direct capture from ambient air and must be delivered to CO2 conversion sites or secure geologic storage facilities. The first release of DE-FOA-0002730 accepted applications for CO2 transport FEED studies consisting only of CO2 pipelines. The second release of the FOA accepted applications describing CO2 transport FEED studies for any single mode of transport such as pipeline, rail, truck, barge, or ship. The third release of this FOA accepts applications for all modes of CO2 transport (pipeline, truck, rail, barge, ship), including any combination of transport modes. Please see full FOA document for a detailed list of the changes.