AZ Tree Resource Enhancement and Engagement (TREE) Grant

Funding Organization
Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management
Funding Agency Type
State Government
Deadline for Application/LOI/Concept Paper
Application is Ongoing/Rolling
Funding Minimum
Funding Maximum
Description of Entities Eligible to Apply

Eligible applicants are currently recognized Tree City USA and Tree Campus USA program participants including:

Units of local government, including counties, municipalities, cities, towns, and townships
Tribal governments
Public educational institutions
Tree Campus K-12 participants
Non-profits directly serving Tree City/Campus USA participants

All trees and all projects must be located within, or directly benefit, recognized Tree City or Tree Campus management jurisdictions.

Categories of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place
All of Region 9
Description of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place

All trees and all projects must be located within, or directly benefit, recognized Tree City or Tree Campus management jurisdictions.

Description of Funding Opportunity

The Department of Forestry and Fire Management – Urban and Community Forestry program is excited to announce the next round for the Tree Resource Enhancement and Engagement (TREE) Grant Program! This program is open ONLY to currently recognized Tree City USA, Tree Campus USA, and Tree Campus K-12 program participants and community organizations directly serving recognized Tree Cities and Campuses.

The purpose of this program is to support the management, improvement, and/or conservation of community forests by recognized Tree Cities and Tree Campuses. Funds may be used to promote and enhance the quality of Arizona's urban and community forests, and may also be used for engaging decision-makers through urban forest management initiatives.

The goals of this program are to:

Assist recognized Arizona Tree Cities and Tree Campuses in initiating or significantly improving their efforts to care for the community forest, including assistance for achieving canopy cover goals
Encourage recognized Tree Cities and Tree Campuses to develop and maintain a sustainable, balanced, and comprehensive community forestry program that is based on a current tree inventory and managed with the guidance of a community forestry professional
Promote community forestry benefits through the proper management and care of trees in Arizona's recognized Tree City and Tree Campus communities, including through harvesting programs
Eligible activities, listed in order of priority, are:

Development and adoption of a written community tree management plan or community readiness plan
Tree planting projects as part of a comprehensive management program to meet state, county, or community canopy coverage goals
Community tree inventory support
Removal of hazardous trees
Pruning according to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A300 specifications (without topping)
Municipal tree ordinance development by a certified forestry professional
Training of city employees and volunteers to improve community forestry practices
Initial costs of certification for in-house employees by the International Society of Arboriculture
Other activities that meet needs identified in the Arizona Forest Action Plan
All projects involving tree planting must include a five-year maintenance plan. All trees purchased must meet the American Standard for Nursery Stock and Arizona Nursery Association standards. Planted trees must be guaranteed for one year after planting. All hazardous trees must be identified by a certified arborist, forester, or similarly qualified person.

Eligible costs include personnel/labor, operating costs and supplies, travel, contractual services, equipment, and indirect costs.

Eligibility is limited to currently recognized Tree City USA and Tree Campus USA program participants or community organizations directly serving Tree City/Campus participants.

Is this a cooperative agreement?
Are these pre-allocated/non-competitive funds?
Is a cost-share required?