Youth Homeless Demonstration Program

Funding Organization
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Funding Agency Type
Federal Government
Deadline for Application/LOI/Concept Paper
Hour of Application Deadline
Application is Ongoing/Rolling
Funding Minimum
Funding Maximum
Description of Entities Eligible to Apply

Special district governments
County governments
State governments
City or township governments
Indian Tribes and tribally designated housing entities as defined in Section 4 of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4103)
Nonprofits, as demonstrated by criteria at 24 CFR 5.109(l)(1) through 24 CFR 5.109(l)(5).

Categories of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place
All of Region 9
Description of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place

United States & Territories

Description of Funding Opportunity

Through this NOFO, HUD will select up to 25 communities, with a priority for communities with substantial rural populations in up to eight locations. This NOFO outlines the methodology HUD will follow to determine award amounts and to alert each community selected of the amount of money available to them through the YHDP. Subject to HUD's right to select lower scoring community selection applications under Section III.F.a, HUD will use the community scores under this NOFO along with the formula in Section II.C of this NOFO to select communities. The CoC's Collaborative Applicant is responsible for submitting the community selection application for this NOFO. Separate from this NOFO, technical assistance will be available to selected communities to assist them in analyzing community strengths and needs, developing a coordinated community plan (CCP), implementing the plan, and then engaging in a process of continuous quality improvement.

Is this a cooperative agreement?
Are these pre-allocated/non-competitive funds?
Is a cost-share required?