Grassroots organizations
United States & Territories
Women led —centered on issues women face or on gender justice issues, benefitting and primarily led by cis women, trans women, or non-binary people.
Community centered —emerging from a need identified within the impacted community, and collaboratively developed by and led by members of that community.
Working to enact long-term sustainable change at the community level —shifting public opinion about justice issues; forming alliances and collaborations across diverse populations; creating change in unjust structures or policies; or building capacity by building leadership, organizing or other social justice skills.
Focused on social justice actions —human dignity, the common good, the right to economic security and dignified work, care for the earth, participation, subsidiarity (decisions are made at the most local level possible and involve those most impacted) and nonviolence.
Rolling acceptance dates for IFIs (Initial Funding Inquiries) on June 15 and December 15. Organizations must have annual operating budget of less than $250,000.