Eligible Applicant means a nonprofit or for-profit Developer of a Qualifying Infill Project or a Tribal Entity that is the Developer of a Qualifying Infill Project.
The objective of the IIG program is to promote infill housing development by providing financial assistance for Capital Improvement Projects that are an integral part of, or necessary to facilitate the development of affordable and mixed income housing.
Assistance Type
Under the Program, grants are available as gap funding for infrastructure, Factory-Built Housing components, and Adaptive Reuse necessary for specific residential or mixed-use infill developments. Applications will be accepted and evaluated for threshold requirements and eligibility on a continuous basis via an over-the-counter process, on the merits of the individual applications.
Eligible Costs
Eligible costs include, but are not limited to, the creation, development, or rehabilitation of Parks or Open Space; water, sewer or other utility service improvements (including internet and electric vehicle infrastructure); streets; roads; Transit Station Structured Parking; transit linkages or facilities; facilities that support pedestrian or bicycle transit; traffic mitigation, sidewalk, or streetscape improvements; Factory-Built Housing components; Adaptive Reuse; and site preparation or demolition.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible Applicant means a nonprofit or for-profit Developer of a Qualifying Infill Project or a Tribal Entity that is the Developer of a Qualifying Infill Project.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Stated application period was October 2023 - November 2023, however, applications appear to still be accepted.