Opportunities for Funding
The Forest Service is seeking proposals to support the participation of underserved landowners and landowners owning less than 2,500 acres in emerging private markets for climate mitigation or forest resilience.
Track A and Track B options.
The Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting research to address the knowledge gaps associated with the extent and variability of water quality impacted by wastewater effluent, the potential associations between levels of de facto reuse and human health risk, and the interventions needed to mitigate the impacts of de facto reuse.
Every Federal agency with an extramural research and development (R&D) budget over $100 million is required by law to have a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. For the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the SBIR
program provides one way it can directly award R&D funding to small businesses. The goal of EPA’s SBIR Program is to support small businesses in the commercialization of innovative technologies that help support EPA’s mission of protecting human health and the environment (www.epa.gov/sbir). EPA is especially interested in broadening participation in the program and encourages firms new to the program to consider applying. Each agency implements the program in a phased manner that follows the technology development continuum: research, development, demonstration, commercialization, and utilization. Generally, there are two phases: the first is for proof of concept, and the second is intended to move the technology as far as possible toward full-scale commercialization.
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS or the Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the acceptance of applications for Broadband Technical Assistance (BTA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. Broadband Technical Assistance provides competitive cooperative agreement funding to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training that promotes the expansion of broadband. Program funds must be used to support broadband technical assistance activities that promote the expansion of broadband into rural areas. Examples of broadband technical assistance projects may include conducting feasibility studies, completing network designs, and developing broadband financial assistance applications.
The Agency encourages applicants to consider projects that will advance the following key priorities.
Assisting rural communities recover economically through more and better market opportunities and through improved infrastructure;
Ensuring all rural residents have equitable access to RD programs and benefits from RD funded projects; and
Reducing climate pollution and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change through economic support to rural communities.
All applicants should carefully review and prepare their applications according to instructions in the BTA Application Guide and program resources. This Application Guide and program resources can be found on the BTA website at: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/telecommunications-programs/b…. Additionally, program requirements can be found in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) available in the Federal Register at https://federalregister.gov/d/2024-13691
The National Park Service’s (NPS) History of Equal Rights Grant Program (HER) will preserve sites related to the struggle of all Americans to achieve equal rights. HER grants are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), administered by the NPS, and will fund a broad range of preservation projects for historic sites including: architectural services, historic structure reports, preservation plans, and physical preservation to structures. Grants are awarded through a competitive process and do not require non-Federal match.
The Eviction Protection Grant Program (EPGP) through this NOFO will fund nonprofit organizations and government entities to provide no cost legal assistance to low-income tenants at risk or subject to eviction. Additionally, projects will expand the evidence base around eviction prevention and diversion programming, by reporting information about tenants served, legal assistance services provided, outcomes achieved and milestones reached, and collaborative activities.
The purpose of the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction (LHR) grant program is to maximize the number of children under the age of six protected from lead poisoning by assisting states, cities, counties/parishes, Native American Tribes or other units of local government in undertaking comprehensive programs to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately-owned rental or owner-occupied housing populations. In addition, there is Healthy Homes Supplemental funding available that is intended to enhance the lead-based paint hazard control activities by comprehensively identifying and addressing other housing hazards that affect occupant health.
Brownfields Job Training Grants provide funding for a grant recipient to deliver trainings to unemployed and under-employed residents from communities impacted by brownfields. Students develop skills needed to secure fullt ime employment in various aspects of hazardous and solid waste management and within the larger environmental field, including sustainable cleanup and reuse, and chemical safety.
Funds may be used to offer trainings in:
Brownfields hazardous waste training
“Green Remediation” technologies
Green infrastructure and stormwater management
Emergency planning, preparedness, and response training for emergencies leading to contamination on brownfield sites
Enhanced environmental health and safety related to site remediation
Energy efficiency and alternative energy technologies
Training in assessment, inventory, analysis, and remediation of brownfield sites
Use of techniques and methods for cleanup of hazardous substances
Awareness training in Environmental Stewardship and Environmental Justice
Training in climate change mitigation and adaption
The purpose of this notice is to solicit applications for Stage Two Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) grants. Funds for the fiscal year (FY) 2024 SMART Grants Program are to be awarded on a competitive basis to prior 2022 Stage One recipients in order to implement the plans and prototypes previously developed in Stage One that will advance smart city or community technologies and systems to improve transportation efficiency and safety.
Only recipients of SMART Stage One Planning and Prototyping Grants, or eligible entities designated by Stage One SMART recipients, awarded under the FY22 SMART Stage One NOFO, may apply for this Stage Two Implementation Grants.
For this Notice of Funding Opportunity, the Draft Implementation Report completed by each Stage One Recipient will be assessed. Any applicant that is not required to submit a Draft Implementation Report between July-September 2024, as their period of performance began after October 1, 2023, will not be eligible to respond to this Notice of Funding Opportunity. US DOT anticipates multiple additional Stage Two NOFOs will be released in 2025 and 2026 which other SMART Stage One recipient will be eligible to apply for.
Must have received Stage 1 funds to be eligible.
The Arbor Day Foundation is supporting urban forestry projects led by all federally recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations/villages, Tribal organizations, organizations working in Tribal communities, and community-based non-profits. The Community Roots Program, made possible through Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding, makes community-empowering projects possible.
The Arbor Day Foundation (ADF) is pleased to be a recipient of grant funding from the USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry Program, under the Inflation Reduction Act (Funding Opportunity #: USDA-FS-2023-UCF-IRA-01). We will serve as a national pass-through partner of the Forest Service, providing funding for community-based nonprofit organizations, as defined below.
The Arbor Day Foundation is positioned to drive investments in tree planting and maintenance, planning, and capacity building in selected communities. Subawardees will have access to a cohort of peers and experts within the Arbor Day Foundation and the Urban and Community Forestry Society (UCFS)’s networks and the opportunity to connect with mentors/coaches from around the nation. Subawardees will also be invited to attend the annual Partners in Community Forestry conference to further develop their urban forestry network.
The Period of Performance for this opportunity will start no later than September 30, 2024 and must be completed by September 29th, 2027. No-cost extensions may be available if needed and with approval for an additional 6 months.
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