Opportunities for Funding
The CASF Broadband Public Housing Account provides grants and loans to build broadband networks offering free broadband service for residents of low-income communities including, but not limited to, publicly supported housing developments, farmworker housing, and other housing developments or mobile home parks with low-income residents that do not have access to any broadband service provider that offers free broadband service that meets or exceeds state standards for the residents of the low-income community. The allocated funding for the Broadband Public Housing Account is $30.1 million for fiscal year 2024-2025. The Broadband Public Housing Account will award grants to finance up to 100 percent of the costs to install last mile infrastructure, inside wiring and broadband network equipment but will not finance operations and maintenance costs through this program.
There are eight (8) areas of funding for which an organization can apply. Please review the areas listed below to ensure your organization’s goals fall within one of these areas.
- Community and Economic Development: Improving local communities for the benefit of low-income individuals and families in the local service area
- Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering the building of relationships and understanding among diverse groups in the local service area
- Education: Providing after school enrichment, tutoring or vocational training for low-income individuals and families in the local service area
- Environmental Sustainability: Preventing waste, increasing recycling, or supporting other programs that work to improve the environment in the local service area
- Health and Human Service: Providing medical screening, treatment, social services, or shelters for low-income individuals and families in the local service area
- Hunger Relief and Healthy Eating: Providing Federal or charitable meals/snacks for low-income individuals and families in the local service area
- Public Safety: Supporting public safety programs through training programs or equipment in the local service area
- Quality of Life: Improving access to recreation, arts or cultural experiences for low-income individuals and families in the local service area
Grant applications are accepted and reviewed during three submission periods this year. Due to delay in the grant application opening, we have extended the first deadline. Deadlines for submissions include:
March 1 – July 15
Aug. 1 – Oct. 15
Nov. 1 – Dec. 31
The American Academy of Dermatology's (AAD) Shade Structure Program awards funds to schools, day-cares, parks, and other non-profit organizations for installing permanent shade structures where children learn and play. Each shade structure award is a maximum of $8,000, which includes the cost for shade structure materials and installation. In addition to the grant, the AAD also provides a permanent sign to be placed near the shade structure featuring sun-safety tips. The AAD receives support for this program through donations from its members, outside organizations, and individuals.
Opens October 1
The purpose of the Landscape Scale Restoration competitive grant program is to encourage collaborative, science-based restoration of priority rural forest landscapes. This program supports high impact projects that lead to measurable outcomes on the landscape, leverage public and private resources, and further priorities identified in science-based restoration strategies.
This funding opportunity is for Federally recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations/Villages, and Tribal organizations as defined in 25 USC 5304. For projects where the applicant is a nonprofit (not a Tribal organization), university, State agency, town, or county, view the funding opportunities for Northeast and Midwest, South, and West.
Multi-organization applications have maximum funding request of $300,000 per applicant.
What is the Specialty Crop Block Grant?
Under the 2008 Farm Bill, the Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) receives grant funding from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to enhance the competitiveness of Nevada’s Specialty crops (fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops). In order to seek out program-enhancing projects, the NDA conducts an annual competitive application process to award grant funds to eligible and top scoring candidates. How does the Specialty Crop Block Grant work?
Who: Those interested in receiving grant funds to contribute to Nevada’s success in the Specialty Crop Industry.
What: The NDA Specialty Crop Program awards grant funds for specialty crop enhancing projects.
When: A competitive Request For Proposal is released early January, and applications are due early spring.
Why: We are looking for projects to promote and enhance specialty crops through research, marketing, education, and production.
Typically opens early January and closes early Spring. LOI due 12/16/24.
Vibrant City Arts Grants are available to artist collectives, cultural groups, and arts organizations providing inclusive arts and culture programming in Tempe. The Community Arts Grants Program aims activate Tempe as a supportive place for artists and a home for community creativity in all its forms.
Amount: Up to $2,500 – no match required
Cycle 1: July 1, 2024 for projects taking place between September 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025
Cycle 2: December 16, 2024 for projects taking place between February 1 – June 30, 2025
A second round will be due December 16, 2024.
Temper of The Times Foundation ~advertising for the environment~ was created in 1997 to promote the use of standard marketing concepts for increasing awareness about wildland conservation and restoration initiatives. Recognizing that organizations working to protect the environment, in general, have limited access to paid media, the Foundation provides funds to underwrite advertising designed to promote the conservation and restoration of native wildlife, plants, and ecosystems in the United States. The Foundation also supports earned media campaigns and other efforts to communicate about conservation and restoration initiatives and actions.
Women led —centered on issues women face or on gender justice issues, benefitting and primarily led by cis women, trans women, or non-binary people.
Community centered —emerging from a need identified within the impacted community, and collaboratively developed by and led by members of that community.
Working to enact long-term sustainable change at the community level —shifting public opinion about justice issues; forming alliances and collaborations across diverse populations; creating change in unjust structures or policies; or building capacity by building leadership, organizing or other social justice skills.
Focused on social justice actions —human dignity, the common good, the right to economic security and dignified work, care for the earth, participation, subsidiarity (decisions are made at the most local level possible and involve those most impacted) and nonviolence.
Rolling acceptance dates for IFIs (Initial Funding Inquiries) on June 15 and December 15. Organizations must have annual operating budget of less than $250,000.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) makes funding available for research and conservation action to support the management of white-nose syndrome (WNS) and susceptible bat species. The Service leads the coordinated National Response to WNS and provides financial and technical assistance to nongovernmental, university, and private researchers, as well as state and local governments, Native American tribes, and federal agencies to support management of WNS and conservation of bats. Projects receiving WNS Research for Conservation Grants will investigate priority questions to improve our collective ability to manage the disease and conduct actions that conserve affected bat species. In 2024, priorities for this funding opportunity are indicated below:Priority 1: Understand Pd invasion, WNS progression, and WNS impacts in western and southern regions of North America, with particular focus on Myotis spp., Perimyotis subflavus, Parastrellus Hesperus.WNS management decisions depend on a clear understanding of the distribution and abundance of Pd, interactions between Pd and susceptible species, severity of disease impacts to those species, and variation in susceptibility among individuals of a species. The USFWS seeks proposals in this category that substantially add to knowledge that can inform decisions about WNS management and treatment actions. Priority 2: Characterize critical features of winter or summer roosts and habitat associated with important persisting, recovering, or at-risk populations of WNS-susceptible species in order to conserve, preserve, or enhance resources for these populations.WNS-impacted species continue to be present across their ranges, although with notable differences associated with habitat types, locations, behavior, and other factors. The USFWS seeks proposals in this category that lead to information specifically needed to support bat conservation and management decisions. Priority 3: Develop novel, biotechnological tools that remove or suppress Pd’s pathogenic properties, making it unable to cause severe disease. Of particular interest are projects that use a Pd-specific mycovirus, or other tools, to effect changes in genes or gene expression in Pd. There are several tools available intended to reduce the abundance of Pd in hibernacula or the severity of WNS in bats. These involve repeated application or long-term commitments that may limit the scalability and long-term viability of such management actions. The USFWS seeks proposals in this category to produce original tools (i.e., novel mechanisms) or innovative applications for transformative management of Pd and WNS.
Avnet’s community grant program offers small grants to eligible nonprofit organizations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico that are working to make an impact in the communities where we live and work. Nonprofits can submit a grant via our online grant application at any time. Grants are reviewed quarterly with the following deadlines: June 10, September 10, December 10 and March 10. If you have any questions, please reach out to Avnet.Cares@Avnet.com.
Learn more about Avnet’s commitment to STEM education.
Application process
To apply for a grant, please read the information below and fill out this online application.
Avnet accepts grants from eligible 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations and government-recognized charities.
More consideration is given to organizations that serve or directly impact communities where Avnet companies have major operations: Phoenix, AZ; San Jose, CA; Richfield, OH; Gaffney, SC; Dallas, TX; Chicago, IL; Boston, MA; Cherry Hill, NJ; Orlando, FL; Guadalajara, Mexico; Toronto, Canada.
Grants should fit within one or more of our focus areas: STEM, Environment and Communities in Crisis.
Quarterly deadlines are as follows: June 10, September 10, December 10 and March 10.
Only nonprofit organizations that have been in existence for three years or longer are eligible.
Due to Avnet’s long-standing sponsorship of AZ FIRST Robotics and a new rookie team each year, we are unable to support other individual robotics teams.
Applications reviewed 6/10, 9/10, 12/10, 3/10
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